Launching of Export Facilitation

Addis Chamber Export Facilitation Service

Our Services


Business Opportunities

Business Innovation Center/BIC Addis Chamber/, Business Advisory Services, B2B, Market Linkage, Entrepreneurship, Tax Advisory, Investment Advisory, Export Advisory, Export facilitation…

Capacity Building Training

Addis Chamber Training Institute, Institute of Directors, etc


Dispute Settlement & Legal Service, etc


Enabling business environment, Public Priivate Dialogue, Research output, etc

About us

Established in 1947, AACCSA is a voluntary, non-governmental, business membership organization with more than 17,000 member companies. The chamber serves…
Institute of Directors Ethiopia

Institute of Directors Ethiopia

Training Institute

Training Institute

Trade Fair

Trade Fair

Business Innovation center

Business Innovation center

News and Updates

A workshop hosted by Addis Chamber calls for sound regulatory framework to carryout Intellectual Property and Credit Scoring Based Loan Services in Ethiopia

A workshop hosted by Addis Chamber calls for sound regulatory framework to carryout Intellectual Property and Credit Scoring Based Loan…

Second round Forum for Executive Leaders/FEEL Held in Addis Ababa

Second round Forum for Executive Leaders/FEEL Held in Addis Ababa Addis Chamber April 3, 2024: Jointly hosted by Addis Chamber…

በአዲስ ቻምበርና በ SAK የስልጠናና ማማከር ተቋም በየወሩ በጋራ የሚዘጋጀው የስራ መሪዎች መድረክ ተካሄደ ፡፡

በአዲስ ቻምበርና በ SAK የስልጠናና ማማከር ተቋም በየወሩ በጋራ የሚዘጋጀው የስራ መሪዎች መድረክ ተካሄደ ፡፡ በከፍያለው ዋሲሁን በእለቱ ተጋባዥ እንግዳ…

Addis Chamber envisions for BIC Sustainability Program

The BIC Project is a four year project kicked off in 2022 with the support of EU to bolster business…

የአዲስ አበባ ንግድ ምክር ቤት የቢዝነስ ኢኖቬሽን ማዕከል ቀጣይነት ላይ ያተኮረ ውይይት ተካሄደ ፡፡

የአዲስ አበባ ንግድ ምክር ቤት የቢዝነስ ኢኖቬሽን ማዕከል ቀጣይነት ላይ ያተኮረ ውይይት ተካሄደ ፡፡ የአዲስ ቻምበር አካል የሆነው የቢዝነስ ኢኖቬሽን…

ንግድ ም/ቤቱ የኤክስፖርት ማቀላጠፊያ ፖርታል አስጀመረ • ፖርታሉ አባል የላኪዎችን መረጃዎችን ይዟል፤

ንግድ ም/ቤቱ የኤክስፖርት ማቀላጠፊያ ፖርታል አስጀመረ • ፖርታሉ አባል የላኪዎችን መረጃዎችን ይዟል፤ በይድነቃቸው ዓለማየሁ አዲሱ አገልግሎት የም/ቤቱ አባላት በተለይም ላኪዎች…


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